Pre Employment Functional and Medical Screening
OCCHEALTH PHYSIOTHERAPY works with organisations to help identify the right candidate for the role. OccHealth Physiotherapy will work with you to understand the requirements of your workforce including common injuries, claims history, reviewing your workplace task analysis and the functional requirements involved, this will ensure we tailor the functional and clinical assessment to highlight the tight candidates for your workplace.
The assessments are performed by experienced Occupational Physiotherapists. OccHealth collaborates with nurses and Occupational Doctors with extensive experience in Pre Employment medical examinations. We understand this is a fundamental step in the recruitment process as well as reducing workplace injuries, improving culture, productivity and overall job satisfaction.
Assessment conducted by Experienced Occupational Physiotherapists.
Medical examinations can be completed by a GP and Nurse.
Identification and consideration of previous or current injuries which maybe aggravated by the role the candidate is applying for
Identify potential current of previous medical concerns which may impact the candidates ability to safely complete the role. Ensuring the candidate has the fitness and functional capacity to complete the inherent requirements of the role
Provide the employer feedback and recommendations based on the examination
The Pre Employment Functional report can be provided to the employer on the same day of the examination
Special Orthopaedic testing performed by a Physiotherapist
Full musculoskeletal examination including range of motion and joint testing
Abdominal examination including hernias
Cardiovascular examination including blood pressure and pulse
Dynamic manual handling technique assessment
Static Posture assessment
Functional Capacity for Specified Job Role
Vision assessment including colour blindness
Spirometry ( Lung Function Testing
Body Mass Index ( BMI)
Drug and Alcohol screening